Yazar Strulik




See my work


Projects are still under construction

On this website you can see the projects I created in my freetime (atleast those that are suitable for public ;) ).
Most public projects will be game/code jams because in those events the result is mostly not of certain disclosure.

Maybe some other projects will make it here aswell.

GMTK Game Jam 2024

Powerkrieger and me participated in the GMTK Game Jam 2024.
We had time to create a game from 16.08.2024 7pm till 20.08.2024 8pm.
The result is my first game Lovetrain.

Advent of Code 2023

This is the second year I participated in Advent of Code.

Advent of Code 2022

This is the first year I participated in Advent of Code.

TryHackMe Achievements/Badges

In my freetime I spent quite some time on TryHackMe learning some practical and theoritical stuff about blue- and red-teaming.


Yazar Strulik
Fridtjof-Nansen-Straße 4
18106 Rostock

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